Incident registration and management software for intranet and employee app

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date_range16-11-2023 15:52

This functionality is available as an independent PortalCMS module with full integration in the mobile teamwork app. It enables your employees and managers to register and manage incidents in your organization.

Think of accidents in the workplace, fire, damage to equipment or a customer with a complaint.

This digital tool is hosted in the incident management team enabling the manager configure the desired workflow from A to Z:

  • assign the users who will be informed when an incident is reported
  • configure the types of incidents (e.g. project photo, environmental incident, customer complaint)
  • configure the steps to be taken and the status types of an incident (e.g. open or closed)
  • determine the steps to be taken after the incident is closed (e.g. move photos and videos to archive)
  • export the incidents to be used in other backoffice systems.     

Employees can use their teamwork app to report an incident, accompanied by photos or videos.

Managers will be informed by e-mail and push message and will start their follow-up. 
After follow-up, the incident is closed with a descriptive comment and the employees and managers involved are informed by e-mail.

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